Stakeholder meeting material from EPR events

Material from meetings in 2024

Monthly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 24 October

Meeting minutes

Monthly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 26 September

Meeting minutes

Hybrid stakeholder meeting 9 September

Agenda 9 September

1. Welcome and opening words
2. Flow-based impact on balancing
3. Executive summary of EPR
4. Process towards go live
5. Overview of settings at flow-based go-live (Updated: 2024-10-23)
6. Vattenfall presentation: Challenges of FBMC implementation from hydro-scheduling perspective
7. Publication of data before and after FB go-live
8. Future arrangement after go-live
9. AOB and closing remarks

Meeting minutes

Monthly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 29 August

Meeting minutes

Monthly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 4 July

Disclaimer: A new version of the PPT presented on 4 July has been uploaded. The previous version were missing some slides, and also had a few errors in the figures for the intraday part.

Presentation (Reuploaded 12 August)
Meeting minutes

Monthly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 13 June

Meeting minutes

Hybrid stakeholder meeting 10 June

Agenda 10 June

1. Welcome and opening words
2. ATCE-methodology part 1 & 2
3. CCM Weekly process on ID during EPR
4. General trends of ATCE results from W26, 2023 to W13, 2024
5. Case studies on ID ATCE results
6. SwedEnergy presentation: ATCE, effects on the intra-day market
7. TSO reflections on SwedEnergy presentation
8. Nordic Transparency Group presentation: Unavailability messages under DA FB
9. AOB and closing remarks

Meeting minutes

Monthly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 8 May

Meeting minutes

Monthly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 11 April

Meeting minutes

Monthly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 14 March

Meeting minutes

Online stakeholder meeting 'FB for beginners' 13 March, 08:30 - 12:30

Part 1 New capacity calculation an introduction to FB
View recording of Part 1 on YouTube
Part 2 Technical FB for beginners
View recording of Part 2 on YouTube
Meeting minutes

Hybrid stakeholder meeting 7 February

Agenda 7 February (revised 2 February) Please note that agenda points 8 and 9 switched places during the meeting. This as there were speakers remaining after the first open discussion.

1. Welcome and opening words
2. CCM and FBIMP status update
3. Swedenergy & Finnish Energy: Perspectives on Flow-based
4. Hafslund: Hafslund's view on FB Market Coupling
5. TSO reflections
6. Open discussion - no presentation
7. Summary of morning session - no presentation
8. Open discussion - no presentation
9. Svenska kraftnät: Information on upcoming national study using approach similar to FB
10. EPR of FB ID: What could it be? If possible, how could it be done?
11. AOB and closing remarks

Meeting minutes

Biweekly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 15 February

Meeting minutes

Biweekly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 1 February

Meeting minutes

Biweekly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 18 January

Meeting minutes

Material from meetings in 2023

Biweekly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 7 December

Meeting minutes

Biweekly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 23 november

Meeting minutes

Biweekly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 9 November

Meeting minutes

Hybrid stakeholder meeting 26 October

Agenda 26 October
1. Welcome and opening words
2. Go-live process for FB implementation
3. Bi-weekly EPR result presentation
4. NordPool presentation: System price study during EPR
5. ID ATCE update
6. Unavailability information in FB
7. Data publication in EPR and after go-live
8. Stakeholder comments and expectation of the next SH event: No presentation
9. AOB and closing remarks
Meeting minutes

Biweekly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 12 October, 09:00 – 11:00 CET

Meeting minutes

Biweekly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 28 September, 09:00 – 11:00 CET

Meeting minutes

Online stakeholder meeting 15 September 09:00 – 11:00 CET

Agenda 15 September

1. Welcome and opening words
View recording on Youtube

2. NRA presentation
View recording on Youtube

3. TSO reflections and next steps
View recording on Youtube

4. After DA go-live: ID, LT, BT
View recording on Youtube

5. Questions and comments - no presentation, no recording available due to GDPR

6. AOB and closing words
View recording on Youtube

Meeting minutes

Biweekly online stakeholder meeting on EPR results 14 september, 09:00 – 11:00 CET

Focus: The presentation contained the impact of the Nordic flow-based impact for the period week 26-32. There was a walkthrough of the flow-based impact on SEW, prices, net position, and border-flow, as well as a deep dive of specific hours of interest during the period.

View recording on Youtube
Meeting minutes

Online stakeholder meeting 31 August 2023, 09:00 - 11:00 CET

Focus: EPR data publication walkthrough

Agenda 31 August
1. Welcome and opening words
2. Elaboration of data on JAO website
3. Elaboration of data on the NRCC website
4. AOB and closing words
Meeting minutes


Focus: EPR Report Consultation Wrap-up

Agenda 21 June
Meeting minutes


Focus: The public consultation and the elaboration of the NRA report content + breakout sessions (online and onsite)

Agenda 3 May

1. Welcome and opening words
View on Youtube

2. NRA presentation
View on Youtube
Notes from SH-NRA interaction during NRA presentation

3. Consultation procecc elaboration
View on Youtube

4. Content elaboration
View on Youtube

5. Elaboration of breakout sessions (Meet the experts)
Material available under Questions & Answers

Stakeholder meeting, 27 March 2023, 09:30-16:00 CET, Hybrid meeting (Stockholm Arlanda Airport, Sweden + Online via Teams)

Focus: Status updates and result elaborations, NRA KPIs and the 3-month reports + breakout-sessions to meet CCM experts.

Agenda 27 March
1. Welcome and opening words
2. Current status and overall timeline
3. NRA KPI elaboration and 3-month reports, approval process
4. Public consultation elaboration
5. Result elaboration DA
Theoretical change in SEW
6. Result elaboration ID
7. TSO feedback
Meeting minutes

The agenda was amended during the meeting to accomodate the ongoing discussion. The agenda points 8-9 on the break-out sessions was excluded. A new presentation was added between agenda points 5-6.

Stakeholder meeting (digital), 9 February 2023

The meeting focused on the status update and the EPR result elaboration.
1. Welcome and opening words
2. Current status and overall timeline
3. Result elaboration DA
4. Result elaboration ID (corrected) Please note that slide 6 has been corrected after the event. An error occured when preparing the presentation, causing the slide to contain incorrect data. The original slide 6 is available here
5. AOB and closing remarks
Meeting minutes

Material from meetings in 2022

Webinar on the Nordic TSO proposal for the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology, 7 October 2022, 14:00 - 15:00 CET

Information on the consultation as well as related documents are available on the event page on the ENTSO-E web

Stakeholder meeting (hybrid meeting), 29 June 2022, 09:30 - 15:45 CET

Teams/on-site at Copenhagen Airport
Agenda - Stakholder hybrid meeting, 29 June 2022
1. Welcome, EPR overview progress, timeline, evaluation report
2. Nordic CCM Steering Committee_Flow-based in a larger context
3. NRA_Evaluation of the report and EPR outcome
4. RCC_About RCC, activities to support FB CC and MC during EPR
5. NEMO_Involvement to facilitate EPR and foreseen path after go-live
6. Stakeholder experience on Core FB parallel run
7. EPR results on DA and ID
Meeting minutes

Stakeholder Meeting (webinar), 12 May, 2022, 9:00-11:30 CET

1. Welcome and opening words
2. External parallel run simulation results
4. Publication locations and definition of published data
5. ATCE concept, TSO feedback on SH comments, preliminary observations of ATCE results
6. Closing remarks and AOB
Meeting minutes

Stakeholder Meeting (webinar), 23 March, 2022, 9:00-12:00 CET

1. Welcome and opening words
2. Summary of SH feedback on IPR market reports
3. Introduction to simulation facility
4. Capacity calculation statistics of external parallel run
5. Internal parallel run results presentation part 1-2
6. Data publication for external parallel run. Live viewing, no presentation available.
7. AOB and closing remarks
Meeting minutes

IN-DEPTH WEBINAR, 17 MARCH 2022, 09:00-12:00 CET

Focus: What to expect from the External Parallel Run
1. Welcome and opening words
2. FB methodology pedagogical walkthrough
3. Overview of assumptions and parameters for the beginning of external parallel run
4. AOB and closing remarks
Meeting minutes

Stakeholder Meeting (webinar), 10 February, 2022, 9:30-11:00 CET

1. Welcome and opening words
2. Status update of internal parallel run
3. Observations of the 2nd internal market report (week 40-43)
4. AOB and closing remarks
Meeting minutes

Archive: Material from meetings 2014-2021 

Stakeholder Meeting (webinar), 16 December, 9:00-10:30 CET

1. Welcome and opening words
2. Status update of internal parallel run
3. Status of IPR: Flow-based capacity calculation_pre-coupling
4. Preliminary observations based on Flow-Based market simulations
5. AOB and closing remarks
Meeting minutes

Stakeholder Meeting (webinar), 4 November, 9:00-11:00 CET

1. Welcome and opening words
2. Status update of Internal Parallel Run
3. Fulfillment of economic surplus maximization in SDAC delivered via the PCR Euphemia algorithm
4. Criteria for starting external parallel run
5. TSO reflection on open questions from previous stakeholder events
Meeting minutes

Stakeholder Meeting on Intraday (webinar), 7 October

Transitional solution for calculation and allocation of intraday cross-zonal capacities for continuous trading in the Intraday timeframe
1. Welcome and opening words
2. Flow-based capacity calculation, pre-coupling
3. Socio-economic welfare analysis, post-coupling
4. Relation between NTC and FB
5. ATC extraction for intraday gate-opening
6. Upcoming consultation
Meeting minutes

Nordic CCM presentations at the Nordic Stakeholder Reference Group Telco, 14 September

Internal Parallel Run: Flow-based capacity calculation, pre-coupling
Internal Parallel Run: Status

Stakeholder Meeting, Web Conference, 1 July

1.Welcome and opening words
2.Flow-based capacity calculation - pre-coupling
3.Socio-economic welfare analysis - post-coupling
4.Data publication
5.Key performance indicators (KPIs) for external parallel run
6.Recap of open issues - intraday transparency and hedging
7.New process for stakeholder involvement
List of abbreviations
Meeting minutes Stakeholder meeting 1 July

Stakeholder workshop on FB and price forecasting, 22 February

0222021 minutes workshop on FB and price forecasting Feb 22 draft_V0
02222021 supporting slides Stakeholder meeting_V0

Stakeholder Group Meeting, Web Conference, 9 December 2020

12092020 Nordic CCM SHG_Vf
12092020 SHG minutes Dec 9 draft_V0

Stakeholder Group Meeting, Web Conference, 7 July 2020

07012020 Nordic CCM SHG_Vf
Concerns Vattenfall SHG 1 July 2020 v2
07012020 SHG minutes July 1 draft_V0

Stakeholder Forum, Web Conference, 6 February 2020

02062020 Nordic CCM SHF_V1
02062020 SHF minutes Feb 6 draft_V0

Stakeholder Group Meeting, Web Conference, 29 January 2020

01292020 Nordic CCM SHG_V1
01292020 SHG minutes Jan 29 draft_V0

Stakeholder Forum, Copenhagen, 12 December 2019

20191212 Nordic CCM SHF_V0
12122019 SHF minutes December 12 final_V0

Stakeholder Group Meeting, Copenhagen, 22 August 2019

20190822 Nordic CCM SHG_Vf
08222019 SHG minutes Aug 22 draft_V1

Stakeholder Forum, Web Conference, 25 April 2019

20190425 Nordic CCM SHF_V1

Stakeholder Forum, Stockholm, 11 December 2018

 12112018 SHF minutes December 11 final_V0.pdf
20181211 Nordic CCM SHF_V0.pdf

Stakeholder Group Meeting, Stockholm 13 June 2018

06132018 SHG minutes June 13 draft_V0
20180613 Nordic CCM SHG_V0

Stakeholder Forum, Copenhagen, 11 December 2017

171211 SHF Copenhagen MoM_vf.pdf
20171211 Nordic CCM SHF_V0.pdf
NordREG consultation on CCM proposal 11.12.2017.pdf

Stakeholder Group Meeting, Copenhagen, 11 October 2017

11102017 SHG minutes October 11 final_V1
20171011 SHG Supporting Document V0

Documentation on Capacity Calculation Methodology Proposal, 12 September 2017

20170912 CCM Legal Proposal
20170913 Supporting Documents and Impact Assessment for the Nordic CCM
20170912 Principles for Determining the Transfer Capacities

Stakeholder Forum, Copenhagen, 14 June 2017

20170614 CCM Forum Supporting Document
20170614 SHF Meeting Minutes

Stakeholder Forum, Stockholm-Arlanda, 17 April 2017

20170419 CCM Forum Supporting Document vf

Stakeholder Forum, Stockholm-Arlanda, 8 February 2017

02082017 SHF minutes 8 February final_V0
20170124 CCM Forum Supporting Documents v02

Stakeholder Group meeting, Stockholm 15 April 2016

15042016 SG minutes 15 April final_Vf
SHG_April 15_supporting_slides

Stakeholder Group Meeting, Copenhagen, 1 February 2016

5.Cap. Calc. methodology and preliminary FB results
10.Common Grid Model (CGM) used in the capacity calculation
01122016 SG minutes 1 Dec final_V1
SHG_Dec 1_supporting_slides

Stakeholder Forum, Stockholm, 14 December 2015

20151214 Alain Marien - Nordic FB Market Forum
20151214 Christophe Mestdag - Nordic FB Market Forum
20151214 Helene Robaye - Nordic FB Market Forum
20151214 Hoeksema-Claxton - Nordic FB Market Forum
20151214 Mats Nilsson - Nordic FB Market Forum
20151214 NordREG Nordic FB Market Forum
20151214 Statnett - Nordic FB Market Forum
20151214 Vidar Hansen - Nordic FB Market Forum

Stakeholder Group Meeting, Copenhagen, 26 November 2015

20151102 SHGROUP-M.1 Slide deck_Vfinal
26112015 SG minutes 26 Nov draft_Vf

Joint NordREG / Nordic TSO workshop on Flow-Based Capacity Calculation, Stockholm-Arlanda, 11 December 2014

1. Joint NordREG  Nordic TSO workshop on Flow-Based - FB concept and methodology
2. Joint NordREG  Nordic TSO workshop on Flow-Based - Status in the Nordic flow based project
3. Joint NordREG  Nordic TSO workshop on Flow-Based - The Flow-Based process ongoing within the project
4. Joint NordREG  Nordic TSO workshop on Flow-Based - Preliminary results from market simulations
5. Joint NordREG  Nordic TSO workshop on Flow-Based - NordREG capacity calculation project
6. Joint NordREG  Nordic TSO workshop on Flow-Based - Status CWE - evolution