Nordic RCC announces this years Stakeholder Meeting to be the 24 June 2024

The purpose of the meeting is to bring together relevant stakeholders, to provide transparency and visibility of our tasks and role, and to share views and expectations for regional coordination in the Nordic region.

In 2023, Nordic RCC hosted its first Stakeholder Meeting in Copenhagen. It was a great success with fruitful discussions and valuable insights on how we can continue working to improve regional coordination in the Nordics and create value for the Nordic TSO’s.

This year’s agenda

This year’s meeting the 24th of June will open with a short presentation of Nordic RCC and a review of our first full year of operation. We will then move on to where we are today with a development and operational status for 2024 and a use case on Coordinated Security Analysis.

After lunch we look at another use case: the Common Grid Model. We spend the rest of the time together looking at long-term planning and future developments. Finally, we open for a joint dialogue on priorities and the way forward.

Agenda Nordic RCC Stakeholder Meeting 2024

Registration: please register for the Stakeholder meeting via this form as soon as possible and at the latest by June 9th.

Important information:

  • For Stakeholder dialogue specifically regarding Flow-Based Capacity Calculation please follow our dedicated webpage and use the respective regular Stakeholder Meetings.
  • This meeting is not aimed at Nordic RCC specific vendors. We consider hosting an event specifically aimed at Nordic RCC specific vendors at a later point in time. We will provide further updates on our homepage later.

Please feel free to contact us on for any questions.

We look forward to seeing you in Copenhagen.