Nordic Capacity Calculation Methodology Project

The Nordic Capacity Calculation Methodology (CCM) project is responsible for the methodology development of the Nordic Capacity Calculation Methodologies for the Long-Term (LT), Day-Ahead(DA), and Intraday (ID) timeframes.

The methodologies are to be developed in line with the requirements from the Forward Capacity Allocation Guideline (FCA GL) and Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Guideline (CACM GL), and to be approved by the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). If NRAs are not able to approve the methodology proposed by the TSOs, they have to refer the methodology to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). ACER will then amend, and decide on, the methodology.

Production data

The JAO production tool is available:

The production tool will only be populated with data after the FB go-live on October 29, 2024. The change from the old to the new production tool only means a change in the URL, and the layout reflects the test tool. For this reason, no testing is foreseen necessary.

Parallel run data

For information on the available parallel run data, please visit Simulation results.

Nordic Flow-Based Market Coupling Project confirms Go-Live for 29th October 2024

The Nordic project parties are pleased to inform that final tests between the involved TSOs, NEMOs and RCC have been completed successfully, and the project will go live on October 29th, 2024. (first trading day for delivery on 30th October 2024).

Please direct any questions about this matter to Erik Ek, Chair of the Nordic Flow-Based Implementation Project through the Svenska kraftnät press office. Phone: +46 10 475 80 10, e-mail:

Nordic Flow-Based Market Coupling Project Go-Live set for 29th October 2024

As communicated earlier, the planned go-live for Nordic Flow Based Day Ahead Market Coupling was set for October 2024.
The Nordic project parties are intensively preparing for the Go-Live and only the final tests are remaining. Pending successful completion, the project will go live on October 29th, 2024. (first trading day for delivery on 30th October 2024).

Please direct any questions about this matter to Erik Ek, Chair of the Nordic Flow-Based Implementation Project through the Svenska kraftnät press office. Phone: +46 10 475 80 10, e-mail:

Nordic Flow-based Market Coupling Go-live Expected October 2024

As previously communicated by project parties 27th September 2023, the intended go-live in Q1 2024 of the Nordic Flow-based Market Coupling, has been reassessed and deemed as unachievable. This is due to the complexity of the development and alignment of the various Nordic IT systems and processes which are needed to implement Nordic Flow-based in the European Single Day-Ahead Market Coupling (SDAC).

Since the last communication, project parties have been working together to develop an updated Nordic implementation timeline. As next step, this new timeline will be discussed at European level, to establish a joint timeline coordinated with the other on-going regional and European implementation projects.

The Nordic project parties now expect to be able to go-live with Nordic Flow-based Market Coupling in October 2024, pending successful testing and technical readiness of project parties. Market participants will be regularly updated on the planning around this new projected date during upcoming stakeholder events and through news releases, as appropriate.

The project parties have decided to continue the External Parallel Run until go-live to achieve even more experience/knowledge about the Flow-based Marked Coupling.

Please direct any questions about this matter to Erik Ek, Chair of the Nordic Flow-Based Implementation Project through the Svenska kraftnät press office. Phone: +46 10 475 80 10, e-mail:

Learn more

An overview of the Nordic LT and DA/ID CCM developments is provided here.

The NorCap project within the Nordic RCC is working on the implementation of the DA/ID CCM.