Capacity Calculation Methodology

ATC Extraction Description (updated 17 October 2024)

Long-Term Capacity Calculation Methodology

Approved methodology: Long-Term CCM

Approval of the methodology (ACER decision 16/2019)

Annexes to the ACER decision to approve Long-Term Capacity Calculation Methodology

Day Ahead and Intraday Capacity Calculation Methodology

Approved methodology: DA and ID CCMMethodology

Approval: The National Regulatory Agencies (NRAs) in Denmark, Finland and Sweden have each approved the amended Methodology for Day Ahead and Intraday Capacity Calculation. The NRAs have made their decision in their own national language.

For Denmark:  Forsyningstilsynet decision 20/05093. For the NRA decision, supporting and legal document, please visit the website of the Danish Utility Regulator (Forsyningstilsynet)

For Sweden: Energimarknadsinspektionen decision 2020-102099. For the NRA decision, supporting and legal document, please visit the website of the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (Energimarknadsinspektionen)

Balancing Timeframe

Proposal for a Capacity Calculation Methodology for the balancing timeframe for the Nordic Capacity Calculation Region, August 16, 2023

Overview of the implementation process in the Nordics

Day Ahead and Intraday Capacity Calculation Methodology

The implementation timeline for a flow-based method for capacity calculation is dependent on successful parallel runs and confirmation from the Nordic NRAs. The parallel operations have been divided into phases (parallel runs). Each phase has TSO-defined entry criteria, based on the guidance from NRAs.

The entry criteria for the EPR start have been set. Entry criteria for each phase is the same as the exit criteria for the previous phase. More information on the criteria for the External parallel run (pdf)

According to stipulated timeline, the external parallel operation must last for at least 12 months.

The NRA reporting consists of three month of data. Read the external parallel run Evaluation report submitted to the NRAs


On 12 July, the Nordic NRAs  confirmed the Nordic CCM External Parallel Run Evaluation Report and the continued implementation of flow-based capacity calculation in the Nordics. At the same time, the NRAs conclude that they expect additional actions for the upcoming 6 months of EPR to address remaining open issues beyond the established KPIs.

Read the NRAs statement on the NordREG website: NRA communication regarding the TSOs’ June 2023 EPR report

Read the CCM News update under Updates and newsletter

Please note that the parallel run will generate data that can used as a basis to facilitate the adaptation of planning tools and/or business processes of all stakeholders concerned.

Overview of the approval process

Long-Term Capacity Calculation Methodology

  • 30 October 2019 – ACER decision to approve the Nordic LT CCM (Decision 16/2019)
  • 15 May 2019 – Nordic NRAs referred the LT CCM to ACER
  • 16 January 2019 – The Nordic TSOs submitted the LT CCM to the Nordic NRAs

Day Ahead and Intraday Capacity Calculation Methodology

  • 14 October 2020: The Danish, Finnish, and Swedish NRA agreed to approve the amended DA/ID CCM. The NRAs have amended the implementation timeline in Article 26 of the legal document.
  • 20 April 2020: The TSOs of the CCR Nordic amended the DA/ID CCM, in line with ACER’s decision on the LT CCM and submitted it to the Nordic NRAs. This amended DA/ID CCM was to replace entirely the earlier versions of the DA/ID CCM.
  • October / November 2019: The Danish, Finnish, and Swedish NRA agreed to approve the amended DA/ID CCM
  • 20 June 2019: Amended DA/ID CCM submitted by Energinet, Fingrid, and Svenska kraftnät.
  • 20 December 2018: The Danish, Finnish, and Swedish NRA issued a request for amendment for the DA/ID CCM
  • 16 July 2018:The Nordic NRAs approved the DA/ID CCM.
  • 12 July 2023: NRA communication regarding the TSOs’ June 2023 EPR report