Last week, Nordic Regional Coordination Centre (Nordic RCC) hosted its first Stakeholder Meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to provide transparency and visibility of the tasks and role of Nordic RCC, connect relevant stakeholders, and share views and expectations for regional coordination in the Nordic region. A wide range of stakeholders were represented in the meeting, with participants from all the Nordic TSOs, Nordic regulators, ACER, ENTSO-E, Nord Pool, GE Vernova and Ørsted.
The meeting was opened by Nordic RCC CEO, Henrik Kofod, including a brief introduction to the Nordic RCC organisation and the new strategy approved by the Board of Directors in June 2023. Louise Nørring, Head of Business Development, gave an introduction to Nordic RCC, the tasks and responsibilities, and the importance of regional coordination. Markus Hübner then explained how the Nordic RCC works transparently and how stakeholders can stay informed on relevant developments before presenting some insights from the Nordic RCC Annual Report 2022, which was published in April 2023. The morning session was completed by three additional presentations of Nordic RCC’s Business Service Owners who explained their services, being Common Grid Model, Short-Term Adequacy, and Outage Planning Coordination, and how they provide value to the TSOs.
After lunch, it was the stakeholders’ turn to present their views and expectations. Erik Ek, who is on the Board of Directors of Nordic RCC, talked about the background, status and future of regional coordination which can create even more value for the Nordic TSOs. This was followed by a presentation by Anne-Marie Storm Pedersen and Eske Benn Meyer from Forsyningstilsynet presenting the work of the Nordic Regulators and their expected regulatory oversight of the Nordic RCC. All the presentations from the meeting can be found here.
What do you think should be the highest priority for regional coordination in the Nordic right now, what do you see as the biggest challenge for regional coordination in the Nordics, and how can we overcome this challenge? These questions were the basis for the discussions that rounded off the day. Divided into groups across all the different stakeholders, the participants shared and discussed their view on both the questions presented and regional coordination in the Nordic region in general.
From Nordic RCC, we would like to thank everyone who attended for contributing to fruitful discussions and valuable insight to how we can keep working to improve the regional coordination in the Nordics. Our first Stakeholder Meeting was a big success, and we already look forward to hosting it again.