The four Nordic TSOs have already formed the Nordic RSC. This joint office now becomes an independent company with even more important tasks for security of supply and efficient utilization of the electricity grid across borders. The picture shows Jens Møller Birkebæk, daily manager of Nordic RSC. Photo: MARA TUXEN HEDEGAARD
New company will coordinate the overall Nordic electricity system
Published on Energinets webpage on 30 November 2021
Along with the other Nordic TSOs, Statnett, Svenska Kraftnät and Fingrid, Energinet has decided to establish Nordic RCC A/S to coordinate the planning of operation of the overall Nordic electricity system.
The Nordic TSOs will co-own the Nordic RCC A/S and hence Energinet’s Board of Directors has formally decided to apply for approval from the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities to co-own Nordic RCC A/S (Regional Coordination Centre).
Nordic RCC A/S will become one of six regional centres in Europe, which in the future will support the national TSOs in optimizing the operation of the European electricity system both with security and capacity utilization.
The establishment of Nordic RCC A/S is a part of implementing European law. The need for larger regional coordination was acknowledged already in 2006 after the massive blackout in Europe on November 6th, 2006. Afterwards, the need for regional coordination was magnified partially due to “the green” transition of the electricity system and partially due to the establishment of the European electricity markets.
Two benefits
Nordic RCC A/S will have two overall benefits: capacity calculations will be completely based on data and transparent. Borders between countries will not be a limitation, but the region will be seen as one unit.
The purpose is to gather data from all the Nordic TSOs and model all the Nordic network, to perform coordinated analyses and calculations of groundbreaking operations. The analysis will show a more correct view of the operation than what the TSOs can create individually.
Continuation of tasks from the Nordic RSC
Nordic RCC A/S will continue and develop the activities which Nordic RSC (Regional Security Coordinator) has built since 2016. Nordic RSC A/S was established as a joint office with the overall purpose of establishing a regional coordination based on data as support of the national TSOs’ management of the responsibility for operational security in their area.
In cooperation with the TSOs, the Nordic RSC has built a digital model of the Nordic electricity system including all the data, which is relevant in order to calculate capacity and security in the electricity system (Digital Twin). Data is updated on hourly basis to yearly basis depending on the application.
Nordic RSC already supports several services for the TSOs and in the beginning of 2022, a fully digitised capacity calculation of the electricity system will be rolled out together with all electricity market participants.
Nordic RCC A/S will formally be established on July 1st, 2022, located in Ørestad, Copenhagen in the present offices of the Nordic RSC.