Go-live of Nordic flow-based CCM delayed to Q1 2024
The project parties involved in the implementation of the flow-based (FB) capacity calculation methodology (CCM) in the Nordics confirm a delay of the project. Go-live will be, at the earliest, …
The project parties involved in the implementation of the flow-based (FB) capacity calculation methodology (CCM) in the Nordics confirm a delay of the project. Go-live will be, at the earliest, …
It-konsulenthuset Immeo og Nordic RCC indgår strategisk partnerskab for de kommende 5-7 år efter kontraktudbud til en værdi op til 100 mio. DKK. Gennem digitalisering skal parterne sammen understøtte bæredygtig, …
Friday 1 July 2022 marks the first day of Nordic RCC A/S. The predecessor, Nordic RSC, was established in 2016 as a joint office for Statnett, Svenska Kraftnät, Fingrid and …
Henrik Kofod has been appointed as the CEO of Nordic RCC A/S, effective 1 July 2022. Henrik Kofod is an experienced commercially oriented CIO/CTO professional with a strong experience from …
Nordic RSC, a joint office for Fingrid, Statnett, Svenska Kraftnät and Energinet, has just celebrated its 5-year anniversary. Since the start, it has been driven by the purpose of providing …
The four Nordic TSOs have already formed the Nordic RSC. This joint office now becomes an independent company with even more important tasks for security of supply and efficient utilization …
Energinet har sammen med de øvrige nordiske TSO´er Statnett, Svenska Kraftnät og Fingrid besluttet at etablere Nordic RCC A/S til at koordinere driftsplanlægningen af det overordnede nordiske elsystem. Læs mere …
Read more about the Nordic RSC-Tender publishing: Nordic Electricity System Coordinator is publishing tender for it-infrastructure | Energinet
Fingrid Magazine explains the closer Nordic collaboration through the Nordic RSC in the article below. https://www.fingridlehti.fi/en/closer-nordic-collaboration/#0e169a3c
We are happy to inform that Louise Nørring has been promoted as Senior Advisor, Regional Coordination in ENTSO-E, primarily responsible for the RSC/RCC work plans under ENTSO-E.Louise Nørring has worked …