…creating incremental changes in the European Electricity Security Coordination
Photo from ElSeC 2017 official website.
On October 17, 2017, the conference ElSeC on electricity security coordination took place for the first time. Participants were invited to Munich with TSCNET as the host to see both their office and to take part in a full day of exciting discussions. After the opening speech by Maik Neubauer, lights suddenly went out and with a flashlight in hand, Mark Elsberg, the author of the book “Blackout” walked in. Mark Elsberg gave a dramatized account of what would happen if there was a blackout in Europe, setting the stage for the importance of the topic of the day, European Electricity Security Coordination.
The following key note speeches, case presentations and panel debates involved lively discussions on the importance of regional cooperation, technical explanations from TSO and RSC representatives, challenging questions to regulators and exciting forecasts of the work that lies ahead. In the panel debate, Jens Møller Birkebæk, Nordic RSC project manager, expressed the need to make incremental changes – and avoid making revolutionary changes – but to make the changes fast to mirror the changes in the general European energy system.
The conference ended with a passing of the ElSeC flower to the ElSeC 2018 hosts, Coreso, in a spirit of cooperation showing the importance of the future European electricity security cooperation.
All presentations and the programme for the day can be found here.
ElSeC2017 video