Project Phase 2 Analysis approved


The Nordic RSC Board has officially approved the Project Initiation Document for the analysis of Phase 2. This is a crucial step in moving towards a full development of the five services to support the TSO’s and live up to ENTSO-E requirements.

A crucial step towards the European Energy Union

When it was decided by ENTSO-E that RSCs should support the TSOs in Europe, the development of the Nordic RSC began. The aim is that the RSC will provide the five services described in the ENTSO-E document Future TSO Coordination for Europe Policy Paper and on the Nordic RSC website here.

Currently the Nordic RSC office is in a project development state with an aim of “going live” with a limited version of the five services by December 2017. This project development state is called Phase 1. Phase 1 is scheduled to be finished by December 2017 from which point the office will be operational with 8 operators giving 24/7 service to the TSOs.

As the development of the Nordic RSC office has happened at an unprecedented pace, the full extent of the services will not be ready by the end of Phase 1. Thus, there is a need for a Phase 2 where the full extent of the services will be developed. Phase 2 is therefore crucial in ensuring that the RSC can support the TSOs as efficiently as possible and to live up to the ENTSO-E requirements for European Coordination to get closer to the EU goal of an Energy Union.

What does the analysis for Phase 2 contain?

The Nordic RSC has currently approved the analysis of Phase 2. The aim is that implementation of Phase 2 will begin 1st of July 2017. To start Phase 2 on time, a project plan needs to be developed in advance. The main deliverable of the Analysis of Phase 2 is a Project Initiation Document for Phase 2 – the specific plan for how Phase 2 will be implemented.

The analysis will concentrate on four areas: Business processes, IT, Project Organisation and Alignment of Activities. The focus will be on business processes and IT. Within Business Processes the analysis will look into the implementation of the capacity calculation methodologies (CCM) and the integration into the coordinated capacity calculation process with the aim of ending Phase 2 with operational “go-live” of CCM. Furthermore, the Business Processes part of the analysis will look into ensuring that all five services are fully operational and compliant with regulatory requirements.

The process of the analysis is seen in the picture showing the relevant interviews that will be conducted and the timeline for completion of the analysis. The analysis of Phase 2 is thus a crucial step in managing the transitions between the two Phases and in ensuring successful complete development of all five services by end of 2019.


The picture shows the development of the overall analysis plan for the Nordic RSC Phase 2