The Nordic RSC project is developing rapidly. Everyone involved in the project in the TSOs and in the Nordic RSC is working at full speed and Go-Live in December 2017 is coming closer and closer.
Currently the services are being developed and implemented in the IT systems together with the TSOs. The testing period begins after the summer holidays and the TSOs and the Nordic RSC will work together on a daily basis to do a detailed and comprehensive testing ensuring that each service is ready for Go-Live.
In the past month, the 8 Nordic RSC employees have therefore been visiting the four Nordic TSOs. The visits provided two-way learning. The goal was to give a clearer picture of the Nordic RSC and the common processes to the TSO staff not involved on a day-to-day basis in the development. The goal for the Nordic RSC was to get a better understanding of the differences and similarities between the TSOs.
Ilkka Luukkonen from Fingrid described the benefit of the trip: “I gained an overview of different TSO systems and practices in operation planning and control centers”. For Go-Live, the Nordic RSC will have ongoing communication with the control centers in each TSO to provide the services. It is therefore crucial for the Nordic RSC operators to have a good understanding of the daily operations in each TSO.
Several of the operators also emphasized the great benefit of getting to know the people in the TSOs. Jakob Katzman from Svenska Kraftnät explained that he sees face-to-face meetings as a great step towards better cooperation. The importance of the control centers in each country and the help that the Nordic RSC can provide them makes it essential that the operators understand each other and can work well together.
The TSO visits highlighted the importance of cooperation and open communication. For the Nordic RSC has this has been given very high priority throughout the project. Clear communication and successful cooperation are key drivers in ensuring that the services provided by the Nordic RSC give the best possible value to the operation in the Nordic TSOs.
The Nordic RSC operators and Fingrid staff after two successful days in the Fingrid offices.