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7 Nov 2023: Nordic Flow-based Market Coupling Go-live Expected October 2024

As previously communicated by project parties 27th September 2023, the intended go-live in Q1 2024 of the Nordic Flow-based Market Coupling, has been reassessed and deemed as unachievable. This is due to the complexity of the development and alignment of the various Nordic IT systems and processes which are needed to implement Nordic Flow-based in the European Single Day-Ahead Market Coupling (SDAC).

Since the last communication, project parties have been working together to develop an updated Nordic implementation timeline. As next step, this new timeline will be discussed at European level, to establish a joint timeline coordinated with the other on-going regional and European implementation projects.

The Nordic project parties now expect to be able to go-live with Nordic Flow-based Market Coupling in October 2024, pending successful testing and technical readiness of project parties. Market participants will be regularly updated on the planning around this new projected date during upcoming stakeholder events and through news releases, as appropriate.

The project parties have decided to continue the External Parallel Run until go-live to achieve even more experience/knowledge about the Flow-based Marked Coupling.

Please direct any questions about this matter to Erik Ek, Chair of the Nordic Flow-Based Implementation Project through the Svenska kraftnät press office.

Phone: +46 10 475 80 10, e-mail: press@svk.se.

27 Sep 2023: Go-live of Nordic Flow-based Capacity Calculation delayed

The Nordic TSOs, NEMOs and RCC have jointly agreed to temporarily postpone the planned implementation of flow-based capacity calculation in the Nordic Region. A revised timeline for flow-based go-live will be issued in November 2023.

The reason for this delay lies in the unforeseen complexity in development and alignment of all the various IT systems and processes required to implement flow-based capacity calculation and allocation.

We are currently investigating the implementation timeline and External Parallel Run continuation, as well as other relevant dependencies to allow a re-planning of the flow-based timeline.

An update will be provided in early November.

Please direct any questions about this matter to Erik Ek, Chair of Nordic Flow-Based Implementation Project through the Svenska kraftnät press office. Phone: +46 10 475 80 10, e-mail: press@svk.se.

13 Jul 2023: NRA confirmation for continued flow-based implementation

The Nordic NRAs have confirmed the continued implementation of flow-based capacity calculation methodology. At the same time, the NRAs conclude that they expect additional actions for the upcoming 6 months of EPR to address remaining open issues beyond the established KPIs.

The Nordic TSOs are pleased to inform stakeholders that the Nordic NRAs on July 12 confirmed the Nordic CCM External Parallel Run Evaluation Report and the continued implementation of flow-based capacity calculation (FB) in the Nordics.

For the upcoming 6 months of EPR, the NRAs have requested that the TSOs investigate and elaborate on open issues beyond the KPIs addressed in the EPR report. The NRAs particularly stress the importance of clear and transparent stakeholder communication, to follow up on stakeholders’ FB related questions and remarks, to provide increased learning about the concrete impact of the transition to the FB methodology and as well as explain the EPR results.

The NRAs further request that the TSOs extensively communicate the progress to the Nordic NRAs and the stakeholders during the upcoming months of EPRs, both via regular stakeholder seminars and in meetings with the Nordic NRAs.

The Nordic TSOs acknowledge the concerns expressed by stakeholders and are committed to continuous quality improvement, giving special attention to fulfilling the NRAs' requests during the next 6 months of the EPR.

Read the NRAs' statement on the NordREG website: NRA communication regarding the TSOs’ June 2023 EPR report

More news available in the CCM News update under Updates and newsletter

The next 6 months of EPR starts now

As we are now entering into the next 6 months of EPR, the Nordic CCM urges all electricity market stakeholders to follow the EPR closely to prepare for the upcoming transition towards flow-based capacity calculation.

Read on the NordREG website: NRA communication regarding the TSOs’ June 2023 EPR report

13 Jun 2023: 3-month EPR Evaluation report submitted

Today, the Nordic TSOs submitted the 3-month CCM EPR evaluation report to the Nordic NRAs. Click here to download the report!

Evaluation report includes summary of stakeholder feedback

The TSOs organized a one-month public consultation to include stakeholder input in the evaluation report. All 19 responses from stakeholders, including the TSO reflection corresponding to the stakeholder responses, have been included in the report.

The Nordic TSOs acknowledge the concerns expressed by the stakeholders, but also recognize that most of them are not linked to the scope of the report – despite the quality concerns that have been expressed. As such, no content-related changes have been made to the report, based on the feedback from the stakeholders submitted in the public consultation.

The Nordic TSOs conclude that the Nordic FB implementation has been demonstrated to meet the NRA KPIs and to function as expected. However, the Nordic TSOs are working on a continuous quality improvement.

Updates on congestion income

The submitted evaluation report includes updates related to congestion income distribution (CID) and to the corresponding total SEW. In total, corrections of the CID reduce the total SEW change by 8 MEUR (the SEW difference between FB and NTC) for the 3-month evaluation period.

The distribution of the CI has also been updated so it is now properly aligned with the methodology for congestion income distribution approved by ACER.

The largest changes occur in NO3, NO5, SE1 and SE3, with the biggest impact on NO3. The total sum of the congestion income remains the same.

The analytical tool has been updated, and the congestion income distribution has been recomputed for all the weeks. All relevant graphs and numbers in the evaluation report have been updated accordingly. The new values correspond to how the congestion income would be distributed between the Nordic TSOs after go-live.

17 Apr 2023: Public online consultation on the EPR evaluation report + hybrid stakeholder meeting 3 May

The Nordic TSO:s welcome all stakeholders to provide input to the EPR evaluation report through a public online consultation. Please note that all input to the consultation must go via the dedicated consultation page. All responses must be submitted no later than 17 May 00:00 CET, 2023.
Consultation period: 17 April –17 May, 00:00 CET, 2023

During the consultation period there will also be a hybrid stakeholder meeting: 3 May 9.30-15.30 CET.
Meeting material is available under Documents & Presentations

14 Apr 2023: New format to the CCM EPR market report + New version of Phenomenon report

From week 11 forwards, the weekly Market report will be condensed into two pages. The report still contains the same kind of information as before, but the format provides a better overview of the graphs and the relevant results. Please note that the Market report Annex remains unchanged.
For the Nordic CCM market reports please visit Simulation results

Also, a new version of the Phenomena report was published (revision 11 April 2023). The Phenomenon report is available under Simulation results.

31 Mar 2023: First version of CCM EPR Handbook published

The handbook is to provide additional support to all stakeholders in utilising the data from the external parallel run (EPR) and to prepare for go-live of flow-based in the Nordics. Please note that this handbook will be updated and extended during the EPR.
Read the Handbook!

20 Jan 2023: 3-month NRA reporting period to start on 12 December 2022

The quality of the External Parallel Run (EPR)-process is now sufficient for the NRA reporting period to start on 12 December 2022 (i.e. week 50). A three-month period to comply with the NRA KPIs is required until the project can continue into the final period of the EPR. The previously communicated go-live window - Q1 2024 at the earliest - remains unchanged.

The project parties would like to thank you for your continuous support and highly-appreciated patience with the project, which takes us into a promising 2023. We regret being unable to deliver the EPR results in accordance with the NRA KPIs earlier. The project parties are committed to continuing to improve the delivery of these results according to the regulatory KPI requirements.

Due to technical issues, the Simulation Facility could not be used for market simulations by NEMOs and TSOs from the second half of 2022. Instead, NEMOs are now delivering market results using an alternative setup for the EPR, mitigating the challenges caused by the unavailability of the Simulation Facility.

18 Nov 2022: Go-live of Nordic flow-based CCM delayed to Q1 2024

The project parties involved in the implementation of the flow-based (FB) capacity calculation methodology (CCM) in the Nordics confirm a delay of the project. Go-live will be, at the earliest, in Q1 2024. Simulation results from the external parallel run are expected in January 2023, at the earliest.

The Nordic TSOs and NEMOs have encountered challenges in conducting the external parallel run (EPR) according to schedule. This is due to the prolonged unavailability of the market Simulation Facility used to calculate results and also to stability issues in the coordinated capacity calculation. The former has caused an extended interruption of FB market simulations, while the latter has triggered non-compliance with National Regulatory Authorities’ key performance indicators .

Consequently, TSOs and NEMOs have reassessed the timeline and concluded that the earliest possible go-live will be Q1 2024.

Alternative solution will provide market results in early 2023
Due to technical issues, the Simulation Facility could not be used by NEMOs and TSOs in the second half of 2022. NEMOs are now offering an alternative solution for the EPR, which will mitigate the challenges caused by the unavailability of the Simulation Facility.

As soon as the Simulation Facility is back in operation, calculation support for the EPR will be retransferred back to this primary tool.

Preliminary indications places a possible start of the alternative calculation support at November or early December 2022. Stakeholders can expect the first available FB market results based on the alternative solutions in January 2023, at the earliest.

7 Nov 2022: Consultation closed

The on-line consultation on the on the CCR Nordic TSOs’ proposal on the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology is closed. No further comments can be made.

7 Oct 2022: Open on-line consultation on the CCR Nordic TSOs’ proposal on the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology + webinar 27 October

Stakeholders and market participants are invited to provide input on the NordicTSO proposal for the Balancing Timeframe Capacity Calculation Methodology. The proposal covers the Capacity Calculation Methodology for the Balancing Timeframe for the Nordic Capacity Calculation Region.  The proposal is subject to consultation in accordance with Article 10 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing.

Consultation period: 7 Oct - 7 Nov 2022

More information on the consultation as well as related documents are available on the event page on the ENTSO-E web 

The webinar will focus on the BT CCM and the consultation on the TSOs proposal. The webinar is open to all stakeholders, no registration nescessary. It will be held in English.

Time: 27 October 2022 at 14:00-15:00 CET

31 Aug 2022: The starting date for the 3-month evaluation period will be reset

The Simulation Facility (SF) upgrade that started in early June 2022 is still in progress. Due to the unavailability of the SF, it has not been possible to perform any market simulations for the Nordic EPR during the 3-months evaluation period that started on the 5th of June 2022. Therefore, the Nordic CCM project has decided to reset the starting date of the 3-months evaluation period. We will inform you about the new starting date as soon as the SF is back in operation to continue the market simulations for the Nordic EPR.

18 Aug 2022: New simulation results file for week 15 published

Due to erroneous and missing net position data in the simulation results for week 15 a new results file was created and uploaded.

12 Aug 2022: Resimulation need for weeks 16-18

Due to missing input data in the simulations for week 16, 17 and 18, they need to be re-simulated. Results will be published on the website when simulation facility is back in operation and data has been simulated again.

5 Jul 2022: Information on publication of parallel run data during summer 2022

The EPR Market reports for week 14 and 15 market will be published in mid-July. No additional market reports will be published during the summer period. Simulation Facility (SF) is undergoing extended maintenance after an upgrade to version 4.0, causing delays in running simulations. After the upgrade, it will be essential to test and validate the SF in order to operate it for the the Nordic EPR. SF is as of now still not available for Nordic EPR operations. The relevant Nordic RCC/TSO personnel required to test and validate the upgraded version are now on summer vacation.

31 May 2022: Data on physical flows and scheduled exchanges removed from the SF output data files for weeks 10-15

The physical flow data and scheduled exchanges data has been removed from the SF output data result files for weeks 10 to 15 due to an error. We are investigating the root cause and will provide you with an update as soon as we have resolved the issue. We apologise for the inconvenience.

7 Mar 2022: Start of external parallel run for the delivery day of 8 March 2022

The Nordic TSOs and the Nordic RSC jointly decided to start the external parallel run (EPR) of the Nordic flow-based methodology.



News updates as PDF

25 June 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

31 May 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

21 May 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

7 May 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

25 April 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

8 April 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

11 March 2024: Nordic CCM Reminder of upcoming events (pdf))

27 February 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

2 February 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

26 January 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

16 January 2024: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

22 December 2023: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

21 November 2023: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

7 November 2023: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

27 September 2023: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

25 September 2023: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

11 September 2023: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

29 August 2023: Nordic CCM News update  (pdf)

13 Jul 2023: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

17 Apr 2023: Nordic CCM News update (pdf)

3 Feb 2023: Nordic CCM newsletter 2023/1 (pdf)

Newsletter Archive

28 Feb 2022: Nordic CCM newsletter 2022/1 (pdf)

21 Dec 2021: Nordic CCM newsletter 2021/4 (pdf)

9 Nov 2021: Nordic CCM newsletter 2021/3 (pdf)

10 Oct 2021: Nordic CCM newsletter 2021/2 (pdf)

9 Sep 2021: Nordic CCM newsletter 2021/1 (pdf)

27 Apr 2021: Communication_timeline_April_2021_V1

26 Jan 2021: Communication_timeline_Jan_2021

4 Nov 2020: Nordic Flow Based newsletter_2020_3_V1

21 Jun 2020: Nordic Flow Based newsletter_2020_2_V1

3 Apr 2020: Nordic Flow Based newsletter_2020_1_V1

15 Nov 2019: Nordic Flow Based newsletter_2019_3_V1

27 Mar 2019: Nordic Flow Based newsletter_2019_1_V0

24 Sep 2018: Nordic Flow Based newsletter 2018 (2)

30 Mar 2018: Nordic Flow Based newsletter 2018 (1)

22 Dec 2017: Nordic Flow Based newsletter 2017 (4)

18 Sep 2017: Nordic Flow Based newsletter 2017 (3)

1 May 2017: Nordic Flow Based newsletter 2017 (2)

23 Jan 2017: Nordic Flow Based newsletter 2017 (1)